St. Joan of Arc has many groups that would welcome and benefit from your talents. Each committee and organization is listed alphabetically. A brief summary of the purpose and goals of the various groups and the meetings times are also provided. For further information, please feel free to contact the Parish Office!
- Altar Servers -
The server is a very important part of the Mass and all liturgies at St. Joan of Arc. Being a server means serving God and His people. The Server Ministry is open to all boys and girls in the parish beginning in the fifth grade. During formation the server candidate determines whether this ministry is a true calling, as does the parish. Servers must sacrifice, committing themselves to study and practice to fulfill this ministry. In addition to the duties of Sunday and weekday Mass, servers assist at funerals, weddings and other sacramental and special feasts of the Church.
- Altar Sodality (Linens) -
Volunteers launder the sacred linens that are used for all the Masses and Sacraments. The linens are picked up weekly, laundered at home and returned to the sacristy. Volunteers rotate on a monthly basis.
- Baptismal Preparation -
Meets in even months on the second Sunday of the month. This program must be attended if you have just had your first child or if it has been more than five years since you had a child baptized. Baptisms are on the first Sunday at a Mass and third Sundays of the month following the 11:30 a.m. liturgy. Preparing for a new family member is an exciting time, and we encourage parents to contact the parish office as soon as possible to make arrangements to attend these classes.
- Bloodmobile -
Meets Three Times a Year. St. Joan of Arc sponsors 3 bloodmobiles a year which are held in the gym. SJA volunteers call all previous blood donors to schedule a time to donate. On the day of the drive, volunteers also support the American Red Cross staff for the period of time during the donation process. Students can earn service hours by volunteering their time before, during and after the mobile is completed.
- Catholic Divorced and Separated Group -
Our group meets twice a month to offer healing and hope to men and women suffering as a result of divorce. We use the Catholic's Divorce Survival Guide, a series of twelve DVDs, as a basis for our discussions. You'll laugh, you'll cry and you'll be encouraged. Please join us!
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word -
Sunday Scriptures are shared with our six and seven year-old children during the 9:30 a.m. Mass. No registration is required. Children leave the Mass immediately then return to Mass just before Liturgy of the Eucharist. This is a time for children to share their thoughts about the Sunday Scriptures, and it gives them the opportunity to ask questions about the readings.
- Daughters of Mary -
Daughters of Mary is a group open to all women of the parish 18 years and above. Meetings are held the third Monday of the month September through June. Our Mission is to grow spiritually, intellectually and with each other as women, embracing the privilege and dignity of womanhood as part of God's plan of love for the edification of the family and for His Church. Be sure to find the Daughters of Mary on facebook to get more information on up coming events.
- Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group -
Meets Monthly. The Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group is sponsored by St. Joan of Arc, St. Joseph-Maumee, St. Patrick of Heatherdowns, St. Rose-Perrysburg, St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran, St Paul's Episcopal, and St. Luke’s Pastoral Care. This group welcomes adults of all ages who have lost a loved one through death. Our mission is to offer support to people who are grieving the death of a loved one. With caring support, this group provides spiritual, emotional and social comfort. Meetings are held the first Tuesday of each month from 3:00 - 4:30 p.m. at St. Patrick's of Heatherdowns, in the Emmaus Room in the church building. Volunteers are welcome from each sponsoring church to help facilitate the meetings, provide hospitality, and become a member of the Bereavement Team.
- Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion and Readers of the Word -
a. Extraordinary ministers assist in distributing Holy Communion at Mass and at other liturgical celebrations when there are not enough ordained ministers present. Extraordinary ministers are to be fully-initiated Catholics who lead an exemplary sacramental life and who are conscientious, diligent, and committed in this lay ministerial role.
b. Extraordinary ministers who provide pastoral care to those who are hospitalized, to those who are home bound, or to the elderly in nursing centers are required to be trained and commissioned in this ministry.
c. Readers of the Word of God are granted the privilege of proclaiming the Scripture readings in liturgical celebrations. Readers should have an appreciation for Sacred Scripture and an aptitude for the public proclamation of texts. All readers will be required to participate in a training program.
- 50 And Over Group -
St. Joan of Arc, St. Patrick of Heather-downs and St. Joseph, Maumee have a mutual over 50 group. Meetings are held at St. Pat’s once a month. This group sponsors a variety of activities.
- Finance Council -
The Finance Council’s responsibility is to oversee the material assets of the Parish and makes recommendations to the Pastor and the Business Manager. The council reviews and approves the annual budget, monitors actual results, and presents an annual report to the entire parish regarding all financial matters.
- Holy Helpers of God’s House -
This is a new ministry and its purpose is to clean and maintain the sacred and public space of the church, as well as the semi-public rooms connected to the worship areas such as the sacristy, ushers' room, etc. We meet periodically on Saturday mornings to keep God's house neat and clean! This ministry is open to anyone. Students looking for service hours are encouraged to help out as well. Coffee, goodies, fellowship, and music keeps us moving along as we dust, vacuum, and polish God's house. How Lovely Is Your Dwelling, O Lord of Hosts! Psalm 841:1
- Hospital Visitation -
Pastoral visits are made to parishioners who are hospitalized. Prayers are offered while visiting. Their status is relayed back to the church and if further care is needed, such as Communion at home or the need for Anointing of the Sick, it is arranged.
- Knights of Columbus -
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Fraternal Organization dedicated to service and the family. The St. Joan of Arc Council is open to any man, 18 years or older, who is a faithful, practicing Catholic. Contact the Grand Knight for more information.
- Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers) -
The Ushers perform a very essential function at all of our liturgies! They greet parishioners, direct traffic, assist parishioners in distress, and coordinate collections. Individuals are assigned to teams that are responsible for Masses and they usually rotate on a monthly basis.
- Ministry to the Homebound -
Visits with Holy Communion and prayer are routinely made to parishioners unable to get to weekend Mass. This can be short term due to recovery from surgery, or illness, or long term as a result of infirmity. We utilize drivers who drive homebound to Mass as well.
- Music -
Click Here for to visit our Music Ministry Page and get involved!
- Nursing Home Ministry -
Each Sunday morning, extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion take Holy Communion, along with prayers, and the readings of the day to Catholic residents at Elizabeth Scott Memorial Care Center and Elizabeth House Assisted Living. Volunteers that will be trained for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are always needed. Students are eligible and encouraged to participate for service hours. For more details, please contact the Parish Office!
- Parent-School Organization -
Meets the 2nd Monday of every month (SJA parents welcome). The Parent-School Organization was formed to give service to the school. Its main functions are to facilitate communication between parents, faculty, and administration and to organize fund-raising activities. PSO sponsors several fund-raisers and provides services to the school throughout the year. The events include the Magazine Drive, General Mills Box Tops Collection, Staff Appreciation Luncheon, Open House Refreshments, Teacher Conference Dinners, Annual Bake Sale, Advent Families Program for needy families, Brunch with Santa, School Spirit Items, Uniform Swap Shop, and the T.R.I.P. Program (Tuition Reduction Incentive Program). They also award scholarships to two 8th graders at graduation.
- Parish Life Committee -
“The Parish Life Committee is dedicated to the pursuit of deepened intimacy with God and each other as a parish family through the preparing and facilitating of various events and activities.” This is a group that meets monthly to plan for and do the groundwork for the many events and programs carried out in the parish. This is an opportunity to give of your time and talent to help challenge St. Joan of Arc parishioners to receive and develop God's gifts, to share them lovingly with others and return with increase to the Lord.
- Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.) -
Meets Weekly (September - May). PREP is designed for children who attend schools other than St. Joan of Arc in grades 1-8. In Religious Education, we have developed a program for teaching children about the Catholic Faith, but all must build on the foundation of faith that the family has imparted to the child. It is upon this foundation that we will systematically guide faith development.
- Pastoral Council -
A parish is communal, relational, and missionary and exists to further the Kingdom of God. Community should seek to reach out and draw souls closer to Christ. The parish is rooted in the Word of God and in the Holy Eucharist, and its members are called to live a life of discipleship by following Jesus Christ and responding to the call of holiness. The role of the Pastoral Council is advisory to the Pastor, and its functional responsibility includes providing assistance in fostering pastoral activity which reinforces the mission of the Church and allows the parish to flourish. The Pastoral Council gathers information, reflects, evaluates, and formulates pastoral plans that will affect the appropriate ministries for the viability and vitality of the parish community and its service to the people of God.
- Rite Of Christian Initiation Of Adults (R.C.I.A.) -
This is the process designed to initiate and receive new members into the Catholic Church. If you have been baptized in another faith or if you have been baptized Catholic and never completed the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and First Eucharist), this is the process you must go through to become a full member of the community. New members are usually received at the Easter Vigil.
The SHARE program is designed to reach out to the needy, which at the present time is accomplished by collecting food and paper supplies for Our Lady of Lourdes Hospitality Kitchen. Food may be brought in at any time and collections of spare change are taken twice a year when the time changes. They are also responsible for the Giving Tree at Christmas that benefits our area nursing homes. Special holiday and Lenten food collections help Our Lady of Lourdes Parish to provide weekly lunches, holiday dinners and food bags. The SHARE program also assists with special needs of parishioners at the direction of the pastor.
- Shield -
The Shield, our parish newsletter, is published five times per year. It includes articles on various aspects of the Catholic tradition, journeys of faith and information about events of interest to the parish community. In recognition of Catholic Schools Week, the January issue of The Shield explores the unique programs offered at St. Joan of Arc School. All are encouraged to submit articles and items of interest to We look forward to hearing from you!
- Scouting -
The parish offers a wide range of scouting opportunities for both boys and girls; American Heritage Girls, Cub Scouts, Brownies, Girls Scouts and Boy Scouts. Meeting dates vary by groups. Promoting duty to God, a positive self-image, working as a team, developing leadership skills, and having fun are goals for all scouts.
- Society of St. Vincent De Paul -
Meets Monthly. The St. Vincent de Paul Society of St. Joan of Arc is organized to coordinate efforts to help the needy who reside within parish boundaries. A collection is taken on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month and helps furnish food, clothing, shelter, medicine, utilities, and furniture. Visits are made and appropriate help is given as determined by the St. Vincent de Paul member.
- St. Joan of Arc School Advisory Council -
The School Advisory council is composed of appointed members of the parish, plus the Pastor and the Principal, who are ex-officio members. The purpose of the Council is to advise the Pastor and Administration on matters concerning the parish elementary school; to assist in formulating and defining school policy and to serve as the liaison between the school and parish community. The term of office is three years with no member serving more than two consecutive terms. Meetings are scheduled monthly during the school year.
- Young Catholic Couples -
The Young Catholic Couples and families group aims to encourage and support couples in our faith through fellowship and fun. With events like bowling parties, cook-outs, and corn hole tournaments, what’s not to enjoy? Whether you’re newly married or have small children, this group has the networking, social time, and family environment that will create lasting bonds in our faith and with each other. Know of other Catholic couples that would also enjoy this group? Bring them with you! This group wants to bring together Catholic couples across parishes to build a community of faith and fun. For upcoming events check out the parish bulletin, look for information in our Upcoming Events on our Parish Web Site or watch for updates on our St. Joan of Arc Facebook page.