Welcome to St. Joan of Arc

We Are St. Joan of arc

Your story begins here!

Join us for Mass!

Tuesday - Friday *8:30am

Saturday -  *5:00pm

Sunday - 8:00am & *10:00am

* = livestreamed


Tuesday 6:00pm - 6:30pm | Friday 7:30am - 8:00am  

Saturday 3:45pm - 4:45pm & 

by appointment.


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Get Involved

There are lots of ways to connect with the St. Joan of Arc Community. By filling out our Parish Life Interest Form, we can help you discern how to use your talents in our community and connect you to the ministry or group you may want to be a part of. You can find more information on involvement at St. Joan of Arc below or under the engagement tab above. 

  • Join

    Engage at St. Joan of Arc

    Join the St. Joan of Arc Community through membership.

  • Form

    Engage with your faith deeper at St. Joan of Arc

    Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (O.C.I.A) | Parish Religious Education Program (P.R.E.P.) | Baptismal Preparation | Bible Study | Marriage Prep


    Engage in Service AT St. Joan of Arc

    Food Pantry | Sunshine Committee | Society of St. Vincent De Paul | Bloodmobile | Hospital Visitation | Ministry to the Homebound | Nursing Home Ministry | Holy Helpers of God's House | SHARE

  • Belong

    Engage with the SJA community

    Knights of Columbus | Daughter's of Mary | 50 and Over Group | Ecumenical Bereavement Support Group | Catholic Divorced and Separated Group | Parish Life Committee | Pastoral Council | Finance Council | Parent-School Organization | St. Joan of Arc School Advisory Council

  • Worship

    Engage with Worship Ministries

    Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion | Readers of the Word | Altar Servers | Music Ministry | Children's Liturgy of the Word | Altar Solidarity (Linens) | Ministry of Hospitality (Ushers)